Things To Avoid While Designing A Website

Today, internet has become the most cutthroat place. Given the complexity of getting hold of new visitors, you may possibly believe that the specialists for web design services in Reno would do everything in their power in order to offer a delightful user experience and, at the end of the day, retain each hard-won customer, but we all are familiar with that there are a number of unpleasant and off-putting bad habits that seem to happen recurrently.

Let us take a quick look at some of the things that but be avoided.

Ø  The website is too slow

In a world where roughly every person has a super-powered Smartphone in the pocket, the internet has turned out to be synonymous with immediate gratification. A user who may possibly be idly wondering regarding some half-remembered trivia can have the answer delivered to them by means of Google within a few seconds, and if they would like to contact a friend in another country thousands mile away, they can do so essentially as quickly as they can type the Whatsapp or Facebook message.

Ø  Too much popup clutter

We have all had the experience of clicking a link in our Google search results and being taken to a page that seems to be carrying the whole lot in its power to prevent us going through the content. Within two seconds, an enormous screen-filling popup will come into view, along with – something familiar to the entire audience in the EU - a GDPR/cookie popup, providing two things to click on straight away.

Blended with a browser alert that “this website would like to send you notifications”, the overall effect is one of being bombarded with inappropriate nonsense that totally buries the actual content you were making an effort to reach – content that you are now anticipated to dig yourself by manually dismissing each of the popups.

Ø  Mobile unfriendliness

It is remarkable to witness, but a lot of website designers still seem to treat the mobile version of a website almost as an afterthought. It is still not rare to come across a mobile website where things are misaligned, overlapping, formatted bizarrely or subject to some other oversight from the designer, all of which can indicate to a visitor that the company does not take the time to go over little details.

It is worthwhile keeping in mind that catering for mobile users is not “serving a niche”, it is now the most important part of the job. Together with last year’s algorithm amendment of Google to prioritize mobile-first indexing, there isn’t any reason in any way to overlook the website’s mobile experience. A low-quality mobile website can negatively affect the SEO performance as well as the experiences of the users, so it is important to get it right.

Attracting users to the website is often no mean feat. You can always count on hiring Stack Mode, a leading Web Design Company in Nevada, in order to make the most of your website and take your brand to the next level!


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