All You Need To Know About Top Web Design Trends

We have entered 2022, and the language and trends of website designing has changed drastically. When it comes to the specialists of a top-rated web design company in Reno, they always keep themselves well-informed with the things they should comply with in order to help get the most out of the current scenario. The following are a few trends in web designing that you should be aware of. Let us quickly explore them here.

Ø  Color To Evoke Certain Moods

Along with bold color, we think using color mindfully to evoke certain moods will be noteworthy in 2022. Color psychology, the study of the impact of color on human behavior, has been around for centuries, and marketers have used it to help sell for nearly as long.

While the way we interpret colors has a lot to do with our perceptions, a few general feelings are associated with colors. For instance, green normally stands for nature and natural products while red represents energy and passion.

In 2022, we think web designers will lay emphases on drawing on colors mindfully to evoke the moods and feelings a website is meant to bring out.

Ø  Thumb-Friendly Mobile Navigation

Responsive design is not a choice anymore. A website should work wonders and be simple to use on mobile devices. However, in 2022, web design will continue to be focused on creating websites that are thumb-friendly.

What precisely is “thumb-friendly”?

The specialists for web design services in Reno are talking about the way we make use of our phones. If you are reading this on your phone right now, look at the way you are holding it. Your fingers are most likely wrapped around the back of the phone, leaving your thumb to do the entire work. In all probability, you look like this.

Spooky, huh?

Not really. That is the way the majority of us bring our Smartphones into play, and that is the reason thumb-friendly navigation is vital. Putting the navigation bar, menu, and even contact buttons in the space your thumb can reach (the center of the screen) makes the website more comfortable to use and improves the user experience ten times.

Ø  Smart Video

Video has long been touted as a must-have for websites. People love videos! Video is engaging! It is the most effective online marketing tool!

At the same time as video is wonderful, it needs to be thought out. That is the reason what smart video is about - video with a purpose and meaning. Gone are the days of embedding a YouTube video on the website simply to have one. One well-thought-out, high-quality video is way better than having a dozen of videos that are assembled unsystematically.

Ø  Material Design

It is a design language that was introduced in Google back in 2014. Traditional web design looks flat. Material design is about using color and shadows to mimic the physical world and its textures. We expect to see a lot more material design in 2022.

Do you also want to maximize web design in 2022? Stack Mode is a reputed company for web design and SEO services in Reno that you should approach!


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