2 Web Design Trends To Stay Away From

Are you thinking of redesigning your website? According to the specialists of a leading Reno web design agency, you must keep away from the trends mentioned below in order to keep the visitors happy and engaged on your website.

1.      Using stock imagery

A picture is worth thousand words, right? If you decide to include stock imagery to the website, those thousand words are saying: lame, boring, unoriginal, uninspired, trite, and worn. Stock images have their used, the most effective of which is a placeholder until you can get your own imagery to replace it. The images may look nice. They are staged, have attractive people in them, and they are much simpler to acquire than setting up a photo shoot in your place of business, but in the long run, candid real images will perform much better.

We have all been to websites that are packed with stock images, a few of those images you most likely even see on more than a single website. Studies have shown that decorative, generic images are often ignored by website visitors. Replace them with original and real photos that represent the content and personality of your brand. The device you are presently reading this on, can take high-resolution images of your office, staff, and services or products that can look wonderful on your website, so you have no excuse.

For the most promising results, every expert for web design services in Reno recommends being sure those fresh images are optimized properly for Search Engine Optimization. And prior to you take the picture, ensure that you are holding your device horizontally. Landscape photos work much better on websites as compared to portraits.

2.      Replacing text with images

You have heard the adage that “Less is more” right? Well, not in this case. That sleek looking website with hardly any text and large beautiful images may look incredible, but will not perform well with search engines. Replacing the text on the website with an image will hurt your Search Engine Optimization.

When Google or other search engines crawl the website, they are always in search of text. Do not get it wrong, they look at the images as well, but what actually lets Google know what the website is all about is the written text on the webpage. No person will care how attractive the website is if they can not at all stumble on it.

This goes for any documents you plan to consist of on the website. If you have a whitepaper with useful facts regarding your industry knowledge, in place of including it as a PDF file, create a blog or service page to complement the whitepaper. The content can then be crawled by Google and help your ranking.

In conclusion

If you take anything away from this blog, let it be that your website is a representation of your brand. A new visitor to your website should get a feel for exactly how you do business by the style and content that is on the webpage.

Stack Mode is a leading web design & SEO agency in Reno to approach to get a lead-generating website!


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